Friday, December 11, 2009

Will I have oily skin forever?

I'm 12 now, and have recently started getting oily skin

I use tea tree oil stuff, wash my face twice a day and always take my make-up off at night

Will this stay forever, or is it just part of being a teenager (Im nearly 13!!)

I blot often too :)Will I have oily skin forever?
Given your age, if could just be a phase, due to hormones, however if you naturally have oily skin, then it should become less of a problem as you get older (I'm 30 %26amp; have always had oily skin). With the right skin care routine, it's not obvious. I see it as a bonus now, as apparently oily skin ages much slower than drier skin - result! :DWill I have oily skin forever?
This is just hormones. Your body is changing a lot, and will continue to change all through your teen years- you may not have oily skin for all of your teens years, even! Dont let it get you down, all teenagers have problems with their bodies, you're not alone. :) Here are some tips anyway..

1.Wash your face twice a day with cleanser and toner. DONT use a facecloth, it spreads the bacteria! And when drying your face, pat dry with a clean towel, dont drag it over your skin cos again, it'll spread.

2.Keep your hair off your face, especially fringes and layers (spreading bacteria!).

3. Don't touch your face with your hands if you can help it, and dont let others touch it (again with the spreading!).

4. At night, tie back your hair and make sure you change your pillow case regularly.

5. If you wear make up, make sure to get rid of it all at night. In fact, try not to wear make up at all, give your face a chance to breathe. If you really cant go without it, then try at least one day a week, maybe if you're staying home.

6. For really red spots, use sudocreme at night to take away redness. Also, toothpaste- this does sting some people, though.

7. Drink LOTS of water every day! I mean, lots!

8. Watch your diet. Lots of sugar (even in fruit) is terrible for your skin, as is greasy fatty foods. Eat lots of vegetables, and again with the water! ;)

9. Get at least 8 hours sleep every night to give you body a chance to rest and catch up.

Good luck! :)
Yep just your hormones! I'm going through the same stage (it's annoying isn't it) and my mum said it's just because i'm a teenager and everyone goes through it. It won't last forever (thank god!)
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