Saturday, December 5, 2009

Best foundation for oily skin?

Nothing too expensive. I have acne and oily skin. I currently use Bare Minerals and will add that on top of whatever you suggest.Best foundation for oily skin?
Adding more makeup will probably make your skin condition worse. I would suggest a primer or maybe an oil control lotion.Best foundation for oily skin?
I suggest you continue uisng Bare Minerals.

It works really well for my skin (which is sooo oily!) and makes me feel like I'm not wearing anything.

But instead of adding MORE foundation (that will clog your pores) try using pore cleansers. I use the ';Clean %26amp; Clear pore cleanser'; and it makes my skin feel SO clean after. I use it twice daily. Sometimes I forget in the morning, but at the end of the day is the best time to use it.

oh to comment on ';twiterpert'; ;

don't use cleansers/moisturizers etc that are built for ';Oil-free'; control. It will make your skin ';not oily'; at that moment, but MORE oil will be on your face later because that is one of your skin's ';natural'; defense system, and will produce even more.
Yes, by wearing foundation, it might worsen the condition, but I know what it feels like to have acne!! I never want to leave the house now wearing make-up when I have a break out.

So don't pay attention to anyone who says anything rude to you on here about how horrible make-up is. As long as you wash your face thoroughly every night, and use a deep cleanser maybe 2 or 3 nights a week, you should be fine.

Sometimes my skin will switch from being oily to dry. When it's oily, I put powder on first (I used Covergirl, which is about 4 dollars) and then Covergirl liquid foundation (also 4 dollars). Then I put on more powder, and dab a little more foundation on, then bronzer. But you don't have to use bronzer by any means.

If I were you, I would just apply the powder twice. It gets me through the school day!! lol Good luck hun :) Hope I helped.
None? By wearing foundation, you are only going to clog your pores and make your acne worse, especially if you have naturally oily skin. Try using a face wash designed for oily skin or acne (often both) daily instead.
Well, Bare Minerals is not really a god choice of foundation if you have Oily skin. I personally suggest Clinique, they have a foundation that is oil control and that has minerals in it that are good for your skin. I can not remember the name of the foundation at this moment but all you have to do is go to and, look on the foundation link. Take the quiz to see what kind of foundation if best for your skin and, there you go.
I had the same problum untill I started using maybeline minerial powder it covers up my acne and it actually help clear my acne a little but every night you should wash it off or your acne will get worse
pure makeup by maybelline . it's 50 % water, oil-free , and wn't clog pores. hooray for reading the label !
my sister has the most oily skin on the planet. its gross. she uses bare minerals and her skin looks FLAWLESS.

get it

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