Saturday, December 5, 2009

How can i vanish My pimplez ?? az I got Oily Skin ???

Good skin care can keep acne under control and at a mild level.

Wash the skin twice a day using a mild soap, especially after exercise. Avoid scrubbing the skin. Hard scrubbing of the skin is harmful because it irritates the openings of the oil glands and can cause them to be more tightly closed.

Avoid putting any oily or greasy substances on the face. Oily and greasy substances make acne worse by blocking oil glands. If unavoidable, use water-based cover-up cosmetics, and wash them off at bedtime.

Shampoo the hair daily. Avoid hair tonics or hair creams especially greasy ones. These substances spread to the face and aggravate the acne.

Avoid picking blackheads as this delays healing. In general, it is better not to ';pop'; pimples.

Exercise regularly and keep fit.

Don't stop the acne medicine too soon. It may take up to 8 weeks for a good response.

Comedonal acne: It is the non-inflammatory acne, which is the mildest form of disease but can be the hardest to treat. Comedones are usually firmly seated in the follicle.

Inflammatory acne: It is the mild papulopustular acne, which rarely results in scarring and typically is responsive to aggressive, twice daily, topical treatment.

isotretinoin, adapalene, and tazarotene are topical retinoids which, if applied daily, inhibit formation of comedones and usually clear even severe comedonal acne within a few months. The only major drawback is irritation, which is greatest after a few weeks, but the irritation usually requires no more than simple moisturising. Azelaic acid is a dicarboxylic acid with modest antibacterial and comedolytic effects. It is the least irritating preparation. The side effects: in dark skinned patients, inflammation results in hyperpigmentation, which could otherwise remain for weeks or months.

Usually, two drugs are prescribed an antibacterial and a comedolytic. Benzoyl peroxide 2.5-10% is extremely effective against this type of acnes. Its major disadvantage is irritation, which can be minimised by using lower concentrations in a cream vehicle. Topical erythromycin and clindamycin are available as alcoholic solutions, lotions, creams, and gels, all of which are about equally effective. A combination of clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide in gel form is superior to a topical antibiotic alone. Azelaic acid 20% cream is also an effective alternative. Failure to respond to topical treatment within four to eight weeks should automatically prompt a change in treatment. Other options for resistant P acnes include oral antibiotics and isotretinoin.How can i vanish My pimplez ?? az I got Oily Skin ???
you should use a good product, either that or jsut take a long hot shower and put the affected area under the hot water, the steam will open your pores and you will feel wayy better, this will also make them vanish fasterHow can i vanish My pimplez ?? az I got Oily Skin ??? sucks..PROACTIVE IT WORKS DUDE!
I sympathize with you. I am working on it now. What I have found that works is St. Ives Apricot Scrub for blackheads/blemishes($4 walmart). I use it 2x a day. Just don't scrub too hard. I also use Neutrogena Clear Pore Astringent(clear bottle with blue liquid $4 Walmart) after each time I wash my face. It seems to be working well after one week. It REALLY helps control my oily skin. Also there is a great moisturizer by Neutrogena called Oil-Free Moisture for Combination Skin. You get 4 oz for $10 at Walmart. That's pretty cheap compared to other moisturizers I have priced! I use it in the morning and at night(after clear pore astringent). I LOVE how it gives my skin a slight tightening feeling! I hope this helps. Clear skin under $20 isn't too bad!
Consult a homoeopath for constitutional treatment.
You can try pure Tea Tree Oil if you want to go natural, or Oxy. Both available at pharmacies.

Remember to Cleanse, Tone and Moisturize Daily.
Try this simple remedy. Wash your face twice a day in warm salty water. This should leave your face oil free without aggravating the pimples like soap. The secret of keeping the skin clear is to keep it oil-free and clean. More such solutions at
dude no products work only water and a good digestive system work but most of all water trust me my friend had that problom too until she drank water and they all

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