Saturday, December 5, 2009

Blackheads and oily skin?

im 12 and i have a lot of blackheads what can i do? also my nose is really oily is there anything can use to get rid of this? anything natural that i can make at home? if not any good products? thanksBlackheads and oily skin?
For acne

Carrot Top Facial Mask

(normal - oily skin)

By: Pioneer Thinking

The Ingredients The Instructions

2-3 large carrots

4 1/2 tablespoons honey

Cook carrots, then mash. Mix with honey. Apply gently to the skin, wait 10 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

honey (1 tsp) with 1/2 (tsp) of cinnamon powder. Apply for 15 minutes. Due to the antiseptic properties, bacterial infections in the skin are treated. More home remedies available at鈥?/a>

A plain baking soda and water mask is by far the best you can do for acne prone skin. Mix a water and baking soda in a cup until the consistancy of a thinner paste. Pat on face (do not rub) and let sit till it hardens then rinse off. This has done miracles for my sensitive acne prone skin!! Plus it's all natural! Sometimes I add a few drops of tea tree oil too. Once or twice a week is plenty for this treatment.


Apply a dab of toothpaste on your pimple before bed. This is useful for new pimples, especially big ones. Whenever I spot a new pimple, I try this. Usually the next morning, it will be dried out enough to pop on its own.

Lemon juice is effective in lightening the dark spots left by acne and pimples.

First, cleanse the scarred area with water. Soak up a teaspoon of lemon juice with a cotton ball and smooth it over the marks. Leave the juice in place for ten minutes, then rinse.

Be careful how often you use lemon juice: it can have the side effect of making your skin light sensitive. Make sure to cover treated areas with sunscreen before going outdoors.

The best treatment is prevention. You should try to prevent acne from ever forming. Below are some ways to reign in the red bumps:

1. Include green, leafy vegetables and fruits in your diet. Drink a lot of water to to regularly to flush out toxins, and don't forget to drink a glass before breakfast to flush out the stomach. Avoid deep-fried snacks.

2. Try to have at least one bowel movement per day.

3. Get to bed before 11pm. You have to give your body enough rest time or it won't heal. Don't snack before bed

4. Don't use a computer any longer than you need to, and keep your phone a distance from your bed. Theradiation both put out can have noticeable effects on your skin.

5. Change your bedsheets and pillow covers often. Those areas are like magnets for dead cells, dander, mites and dust - all of which can cause an acne breakut. Some skin experts even recommend changing pillow cases daily.

6. Resist the urge to pop your pimples. It can cause even more damage to the skin and worsen scarring. Resist the temptation!

7. If you get acne on your body, try not to wear tight clothes that will prevent your skin from breathing. You may want to avoid scarves, headbands and caps which can also collect dirt and oil.


More remedies for acne is here for over the counter products nad at home products try them out and see if it helps.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Honey Mask Recipe

The best facial mask is honey. Place a cloth in warm water and apply to your face to open the pores. Smear on honey, and leave on for 15 to 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water, then use cold water to close the pores. Use once a week




CONTACT ME FOR MOREBlackheads and oily skin?
Try Clean %26amp; Clear's blackhead clearing scrub. Also try some Neutrogena products. They helped me with my oily skin!!!
Get som clean and clear it works well but you have to keep using it all the time or it gets worse.
2 old time inexpensive remedies: tooth paste at night and leave it there on your zits all night and it dried up and wash off in morning. reapply often. also AJAX gets rid of black heads. make a paste of it and apply to your face often and leave paste on at night all night. I have tried $$$$$hundreds of dollars worth of things and these two work better then anything. good luck sweetie.
Use an aspirin mask or toner to exfoliate %26amp; keep pores clear. Be sure to use UNCOATED aspirin for these recipes.

Crush up 6 plain, uncoated aspirin tablets and mix it w/ a little water, Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask, or aloe vera gel to make mask.


8 ounce bottle of distilled water add four uncoated aspirin

Another home remedy, apply PLAIN milk of magnesia in a thin layer %26amp; allow it to dry for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off w/ tepid water. This mask will absorb oil %26amp; tighten pores.

DIY Biore strips:鈥?/a>
I always used rubbing alcohol w/ a cotton pad.

Two to three times a day

and I rarely ever had a problem

but rub gently because the harder you rub the more oils excrete onto your skin
Keep your face and hands clean, keep hair outta your face and dont touch your hair!!

Also, I use this stuff called ';Murad'; it works SO great...even better than proactiv, I suggest that.
Always keep your hands CLEAN!!!!!!! I had really bad pimples and by constantly washing my hands with bacterial soap and handsanitizer my face totally cleared up! and you can get anti-bacterial soap at the 99cents store.
Keep hydrated. When your skin is producing oil it tends to clog the pores. Its because their is not enought fluids in your system. This is what a dermatologist told me. When I see people who guzzel water, they tend to have lovely skin. Me I dont guzzle but I drink coffee and tea which dehydrate rather than hydrate. If you can afford Pro Activ, try that. I was thinking that an oatmeal mask might help as that was advertised in the teen magazine when I was 12 for oily skin. You get oatmeal, water and make a paste. Let it dry, rinse off, towell dry with a clean towel (used just for your face, so bacteria doesnt spread) and use a water based moisturizer to finish up. No oil or mineral oil moisturisers as they can clog pores. Me at my age now I use Ivory soap because the commercial that ';if you want to have the skin of a little girl use Ivory.'; I used it when I was 17 and I had an Army colleage comment on what I used on my skin. He said ';if I use Ivory too would my skin look like you? I just laughed and thought it was funny. It was nice that someone noticed. Then with all the ads how this product helps this or that and you end up spending all this money to find this magic ';cure.'; Some people have found what works for them, like the people who testify to Pro Active. I just have not had to money to spend for it, so I just stuck to the basics. Ivory soap and moisturizer.

As you are going through puberty, there is nothing much you can do. I use to squeeze and pop and go to school looking like a zit! Those were the days of hell! Brown marks that you prayed would go away. Then you look at these girls and wonder why is their skin so dewy looking. It make you feel like something is wrong with you. Its genetics, hormones and changes all rolled into one. Hopefully you'll grow out of it.

Me I wonder when?
girl. it's natural so don't worry. :)

It's called PUBERTY.


just wash your face 2 times a day. in the morning and at night.

then if you're at school, be sure that you have a face powder (may it be a compact or loose)
My dermatologist told me that face cream products with a benzoil peroxide content of at least 10% can assist you with the oil problem (and remember, summer makes it so much worse) and help clear up blackheads. Apply the oil fighting cream with the peroxide in the morning and under any makeup you may apply. When you wash your face at night and in the morning (no more often, or you will irritate the skin and worsen the problem) use an apricot scrub that you can pick up at the drug store. They are FANTASTIC for blackheads. Just do not rub vigorously. It will irritate your skin if you do, but do it consistently twice a day and work it in gently with tiny circles with your fingertips. You will need to use both products (like Oxy 10, which is very good), because if you just use the cream, you won't unclog your pores. But if you just use the scrub, you won't cut down the oil, which is clogging your pores. Steam is also very, very good for blackheads. Boil water, turn off stove, remove lid and put your face near the steam (some people cover their heads and the pan with a towel, but be careful, it could be a fire hazard, and steam can burn). That works wonders. Also, wash your hands frequently, because we all touch our faces without thinking about it and oils from foods makes things worse. People think it's their diet, but it's really the muck on their fingers!

Good luck!

P.S. Whoever advised you to use a household cleanser on your face, is so unbelievably irresponsible, I can't even tell you. If you got it in your eye, you could go BLIND. Forever!! Also, that material is highly, highly toxic and does not belong on your skin! Please disregard that person for your own safety.
get proactiv it works amazingly
Well you can go see a doctor and ask for a blemish remover for your skin. And if u want a home remedie u can use baking soda i used it alot and my skin is real nice and soft now. I used to have the oily nose problem too but my doctor said theres nothing he can do about it i should just carry a tissue and wipe it off when it gets oily.

Products: Benzoyl Peroxide
when i get pimple 'er blakk head i use neutrgeina, how ever u spell it. soo i'd use that. wash ur face when u wake up %26amp;%26amp; b4 u go to sleep. never ever touch ur face when ur hands are dirty. there's also these strips for black heads, not sure tha name of the brand, buh u could find them at walgreens.
If you can get out to a store, use a blackhead scrub on the areas of your face that have the most blackheads. If not, make a facial mask for them. A good homemade facial mask for blackheads is honey - leave it on your skin for 15 minutes, wipe off, and then cleanse your face. To prevent more blackheads, steam your face; position your face over a boiling pot of water for 3-5 minutes before you wash it to get a really deep clean, which will help get rid of blackheads you have now and prevent more. If you haven't steamed before, make sure a) that you sweat - that means it's working, and b) that you are careful not to burn your face by placing it too close. For your oily nose, wash it three times a day if possible. If you can't get oil blotting papers - they're expensive, but they work to get rid of oil and they don't smear any make-up you might have on. Good luck!
For the blackheads, Biore makes strips for your nose that work GREAT for getting rid of them. As for the oily skin, Clean And Clear makes great little blotting sheets for your face. They take off all the excess oil without messing up your makeup, if you wear any. They come in a blue box. Good luck!
use stridex

nose cleansing srips and face scrub will work wonders plus with the strip you get to see whats pulled out i know that sounds gross but i love lookin at mine my husbands anyones it's like a gross addiction
Don't mean to be ignorant but... what the hell are blackheads?

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