Saturday, December 5, 2009

Skin care routine for oily skin?

I have oily skin and I need to find a skin care routine that's good for oliy skin. Any suggestions please?

Only drugstore/cheap products

i really like Neutrogena.

other brands such as Clean%26amp;Clear, Biore, Olay, etc..

i need suggestions on everything. such as




4.)on the spot treatment.


please leave any suggestions.

thank you. =)Skin care routine for oily skin?
a home made thing your can put is Lemon juice with bit of honey every 2 days, before you go to sleep 10 min mask will do it..

it leaves the skin faboulas

-- exfoliator = neutrogena

-- moisterizer = sunblock

-- cleanser = burt bees carrot soap

-- on the spot = neosporine (on shelve in pharmacies)Skin care routine for oily skin?
I use and you can try them they have free samples:)
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