Friday, December 11, 2009

What's the way to get rid of oily skin?

use alchohol. it cant get rid of it but, it helps . it also cleansWhat's the way to get rid of oily skin?
i have found that the best way to keep your skin oil free is to moisturize it after every time you wash it... i sounds crazy, i know but it really works.... every time you wash your face it removes all the oil which dehydrates the skin, your body will naturally create more oil to rehydrate your face, so what you must do is remove the oil from your face by washing it then replace the oil with medicated oil free moisturizer before your body has to hydrate it with oil

PS. using alcohol is a bad idea unless it is the only thing you haveWhat's the way to get rid of oily skin?
sorry, you can't get rid of oily skin...that's just the type of skin you're born with. you can always control the amount of oil your skin produces by using oil-free products as well as cleaning and moisturizing often. biore products works well if it's just oil skin without acne. you can find that at most drug stores. if you can afford high end products, skinceuticals has a great product line for oily skin. hope that helps!
Read tips on Skincare and home remedies to help you more on this site

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